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Battery Tightening Tools
Q-Shield C eLINK Digital wrench
Q-Shield C digitálny momentový kľúč
1 produkt
E-Pulse Battery – Akumulátorový elektrický impulzný nástroj
2 produkty
E-LIT - Akumulátorové uťahovačky s mechanickou spojkou
3 produkty
EABS – Bezdrôtový akumulátorový nástroj so snímačom
1 produkt
EAB / EPB Akumulátorové snímačové uťahovčky
8 produkty
Geared Front Attachments
Zatvorený a otvorený vidlicový kľúč
The Desoutter tightening solutions with SALTUS Open-ended crowfoots and Closed-ended crowfoots offers a range of best-in class performance, quality and reliability for the most demanding applications. The patented low gear modules of SALTUS Open ended crowfoots and Closed-ended crowfoots offers the market leading efficiency & accuracy, and the optimal integration with the Desoutter tool range delivers the most ergonomic and durable solution for high-class tightening.
AH 110°
Designed to allow you to tighten fixings with restricted access, Desoutter’s 110o Angle Head Geared Front Attachment (GFA) enables excellent ergonomics and an accurate, high quality rundown
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